War and Piss with the Loving Memory of Hans Rosling


War and Piss with the Loving Memory of Hans Rosling

Now with even more war. And piss!

The countdown clock to our mutual and unbeneficial destruction is ticking. Whether it is nuclear annihilation or tipping points of climate change, mass migration or economic collapse: THE END IS NIGH!

Or? Is it?


Much has happened in our world since the passing of the beloved educator Hans Rosling. Considering everything, it feels a lot has happened even since the premiere of The Loving Memory of Hans Rosling in spring 2021!

The question is whether there is room for his optimism anymore. Can it be, that humanity is still moving towards better times?

As Hans Rosling is not with us anymore to deliver the message of a better world, it is up to his living memory to do it! Oskar Pöysti’s solo performance is a newly written sequel to The Loving Memory of Hans Rosling that stimulates to critical thinking in an inspiring and entertaining way.

The world seems scarier than it is because what you hear about it has been selected—by your own attention filter or by the media

Hans Rosling i boken Factfulness: Ten Reasons We’re Wrong About the World – and Why Things Are Better Than You Think.

We will organise an introduction to Hans Rosling’s life 6.2 at 18.20.

By and with Oskar Pöysti
Support for writing and direction Antonia Henn, Ted Forsström

Costumes and props Elina Riikonen
Producer Hanna Sundman

Length 1 h 20 min.
Language English (no subtitles)

Tickets to the performances in Viirus 26 / 21 / 16 €
Tour booking Marja Vuori (marja.vuori@viirus.fi)

Who was Hans Rosling?

Hans Rosling (1948-2017) was the Swedish educator that used statistics to present our world as a better place than ever. He became world famous with his book Factfulness and his educational, inspiring and lively lectures.

I denna komiska, sorgliga, hoppingivande och förtvivlade föreställning är Oskar Pöysti fenomenal.

Svenska Yle

Oskar Pöystis andra monolog kring Hans Rosling är intensiv och låter tanken vindla.


Konstens uppgift är visserligen inte att ge hopp. Men åtminstone att vara fantasifull, och inte enbart kapitulera inför domedagstigerns morrande.

Svenska Yle


Press photos (Sara Forsius)