Vem dödade bambi?


Vem dödade bambi?

Everything is inherited.

It’s been twenty years since a group of highschoolers shook the idyllic serenity of their villa town with the brutal deed. By now, everything is forgotten and forgiven – after all, they were good kids from good families. 

Now, two of the perpetrators want to make a film about what happened. 

A sleeping monster awakes. 

The novel Who killed bambi? by Monika Fagerholm describes a brutal act of violence in a small town. The perpetrators get away with their violent actions because of their background and their status in society, Who killed bambi? is a story about how everything is inherited. Especially privileges. 

The novel was awarded the Nordic Council Literature Prize in the year 2020. 

This adaptation by director Jakob Öhrman takes place during the filming of the movie Who killed bambi?, and the adaptation continues the series of performances with the theme privileges at Teater Viirus. 

Director Jakob Öhrman is known as a member of theatre Nya Rampen. He is one of the most original and unique directors in Finland. In the year 2020 he directed the hit performance Hamlet All Inclusive at Viirus, and in 2023 he directed Three Sisters Fifth Act at Tampereen Työväen Teatteri.

Who killed bambi? is a co-production with Nya Rampen.

By Monika Fagerholm
Concept, dramaturgy and direction Jakob Öhrman

On stage Maria Ahlroth, Martin Bahne, Elina Byholm, Ellen Forsström, Jan Haapanen, Vivi Kangasniemi, Iida Kuningas, Oskar Pöysti, Jessica Raita, Maximilian von Renteln

Scenography Lars Idman
Light design Lauri Lundahl
Costume design Brenda Gomez
Sound designer Janne Lounatvuori

Producer Hanna Sundman

Director assistant  Kasimir Koski
Make-up consultant Stephanie Korhonen
Livesound engineer
 Antero Kemppi
Costume assistant  Minna Kiiskinen

Tickets 33  / 27  / 19 €

Language Swedish (subtitled to English and Finnish)
Age limit 16 years
Trigger warnings violence, sexual violence, theatre blood, theatre smoke, loud sounds and blinking lights
Length 2 hours 50 minutes, including intermission.

Performing rights  Agency North

★★★★ – Nyt on luvassa jotain aivan omanlaistaan: Viirus-teatterin esitys tuntuu erityiseltä jo ennen alkuaan

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Press photos (Ernest Protasiewicz)